How to Write Unmaintainable Code – ASP.NET Redux

No matter how far technology progresses, it seems that we still remain bound to the past by an innate ability of writing poorly structured programs. To me, this points to a rot that is far deeper than languages and platforms. It is a fundamental failure of people who claim to be professionals to understand their tools and the principles that guide their usage.

It has been eight years since I wrote the previous piece in this series that demonstrated poorly written PHP code. The language gets a bad rap due to the malpractices that abound among users of the platform. But this was a theme I was hoping would be left behind after graduating to the .NET framework in the past few years.

It turns out that I was wrong. Bad programmers will write bad code irrespective of the language or platform that is offered to them. And the most shocking bit is that so many of the points from the previous article (and the original by Roedy Green) are still applicable, that it feels like we learned nothing at all.

Reinvent the wheel again. Poorly.

Maintainable code adheres to standards – industry, platform, semantics, or just simply internal to the company. Standard practices make it easy to build, maintain and extend software. As such, they’re anathema to anybody who aims to exclude newcomers from modifying his program.

Therefore, ignore standards.

Take the case of date and time. It is 2018, and people want to and expect to be able to use any software product irrespective of their personal regional settings.

Be merciless in thrashing their expectations. Tailor your product to work exclusively with the regional settings used on your development computer. If you are using the American date format, say you’re paying homage to the original home of the PC. If you’re using British settings, extol upon the semantic benefits of the dd-mm-yy structure over the unintelligible American format.

Modern programming platforms have a dedicated date and time data type precisely to avoid this problem. Sidestep it by transmitting and storing dates as strings in your preferred formats (there doesn’t have to be just one). That way, you also get to scatter a 200-line snippet of code to parse and extract individual fields from the string.

For extra points, close all bug reports about the issue from the test engineers with a “Works for me” comment. Your development computer is the ultimate benchmark for your software. Everybody who wishes to run your program should aspire to replicate the immaculate state of existence of your computer. They have no business running or modifying your program otherwise.

Never acknowledge the presence of alternative universal standards.

Ignorance is bliss

Nobody writes raw C# code if they are going to deploy on the web. A standard deployment of ASP.NET contains significant amounts of framework libraries that enable the web pipeline and extensions to work with popular third-party tools. Frameworks in the ecosystem are a programming language unto themselves, and require training before use.

Skip the books and dive into writing code headfirst.

Write your own code from scratch to do everything from form handling to error logging. Only n00bs use frameworks. Real programmers write their own frameworks to work inside of frameworks. This gives rise to brilliant nuggets such as this.

public class FooController
    public new void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)

By essentially reinventing the framework, you are the master of your destiny and that of the company that you are working for. Each line of custom-built code that you write to replace the standard library tightens your chokehold on their business, and makes you irreplaceable.

Allow unsanitised input

Protecting from SQL injection is difficult and requires constant vigilance. If everything is open to injection, the maintenance programmer will be bogged under the sheer volume of things to repair and hopefully, either go away or be denied permission to fix it due to lack of meaningful effort estimates.

Mask these shortcomings by only writing client-side validation. That way, the bugs remain hidden until the day some script kiddie uses the contact form on the site to send “; DELETE TABLE Users” to your server.


Nobody wants to see those ugly-ass “Server Error” pages in the browser. So do the most obvious thing and wrap your code in a try-catch block. But write only one catch handler for the most general exception possible. Then leave it empty.

This becomes doubly difficult to diagnose if you still return something which looks like a meaningful response, but is actually utterly incorrect. For example, if your method is supposed to return a JSON object for the active record, return a mock object from the error handler which looks like the real thing. But populate it with empty or completely random values. Leave some of the values correct to avoid making it too obvious.

Maintenance programmers have no business touching your code if they do not have an innate ken for creating perfect conditions where errors do not occur.

String up performance

Fundamental data types such as strings and numbers are universal. Especially strings. Therefore, store all your data as strings, including obvious numeric entities such as record identifiers.

This strategy has even more potential when working with complex data types containing multiple data fields. Eschew standard schemes such as CSV. Instead come up with your own custom scheme using uncommonly used text characters. The Unicode standard is very vast. I personally recommend using pips from playing cards. The “♥” character is appropriately labelled “Black Heart Suit”, because it lets the maintenance programmer perceive the hatred you bear towards him for attempting to tarnish the pristine beauty of the code you have so lovingly written.

This technique also has a lot of potential in the database. Storing numeric data as strings increases the potential for writing custom parsers or making type-casts mandatory before the data can be used.

Use the global scope

Global variables are one of the fundamental arsenal in the war against maintainable code. Never fail an opportunity to use them.

JavaScript is a prime environment for unleashing them upon the unwary maintenance programmer. Every variable that is not explicitly wrapped up inside a function automatically becomes accessible to all other code being loaded on that page. This is an increasingly rare scenario with modern languages. The closest it can be approximated in C# is to have a global class with several public properties which are referenced directly all over the application. While it looks the same, it is still highly insulated. Try these snippets as an example.

JavaScript –

var a = 0; // Variable a declared in global scope
function doFoo() {
    a++; // Modifies the variable in global scope
function doBar() {
    var a = 1;
    a++; // Modifies the variable in local scope

C# –

public class AppGlobals
    public int A = 0;
public class Foo
    public void DoSomething()
        // Scope of A is abundantly clear
        var A = 0;

It is very easy to overlook the scope of the variable in JavaScript if the method is lengthy. Use it to your advantage. Camouflage any attempts to detect the scope correctly by using different conventions across the application. Modify the global variable in some functions. Define and use local variables with the same name in others. Modifying a function must require extensive meditation upon it first. Maintenance programmers must achieve a state of Zen and become one with your code in order to change it.

Use unconventional data types

Libraries often leverage the use of conventions to eliminate the need to write custom code. For example, the Entity Framework can automatically handle table per type conditions if the primary key column in the base class is an identity column.

You can sideline this feature by using string or UUID columns as primary keys. Columns with these data types cannot be marked as identity. This necessitates writing custom code to operate upon the data entities. As you must be aware by now, every extra line of code is invaluable.

Database tables without relationships

If you are working at a small organisation, chances are there is no dedicated database administrator role and developers manage their own database. Take advantage of this lack of oversight and build tables without any relationships or meaningful constraints. Extra points if you can pull it off with no primary keys or indexes.

Combine this with the practice of creating and leaving several unwanted tables with similar names to give rise to a special kind of monstrosity that nobody has the courage to deal with. For still extra marks, perform updates in all the tables, including the dead ones. Fetch it from different tables in different parts of the application. They cannot be called unwanted tables if even one part of your application depends on them. Call it “sharding” if anybody questions your design.


This post is not meant to trigger language wars. Experienced developers have seen bad code written in many languages. Some languages are just more amenable to poor practices than others.

The same principle applies to the .NET framework, which was supposed to be a clean break from the monstrosities of the past. On the web, the ASP.NET framework and its associated libraries are still one of the best environments I have used to build applications.

That people still write badly structured code in spite of all these advances cements my original point – bad programmers write bad code irrespective of the language thrown at them.

How to Write Unmaintainable Code – PHP Redux

How to Write Unmaintainable Code is a satirical piece of programming advice written by Roedy Green a long time ago. That it remains his most popular essay till date speaks volumes about the programming skills of human society as a whole. Collectively, we are either a massive bunch of shit-chucking apes who take this essay seriously, or a small bunch of highly skilled developers seeking relief from daily disillusionment in our work behind its biting humour.

I hope to hell that it’s the latter.

Green’s essay is written with Java and C programmers in mind, but many of the techniques described can be applied to any programming language. Consider this essay as a “lite” version of Green’s to keep us script kiddies from feeling left out.

Write code. Or markup. Or both. Together.

PHP has a very unique ability of allowing the programmer to intersperse program code with HTML markup in the same file by using special PHP tags to identify code blocks. And as with all things PHP, there is more than one way to skin a cat.

<? echo "Hello, World!"; > // What is referred to as the "old style".

<? echo "Hello, World!"; ?> // What is referred to as the "first new style". Note the added question mark in the end tag.

<?php echo "Hello, World!"; ?> // The "second new style" is similar to the first new style and most recommended

<script language="php">
    echo "Hello, World!"; > // What else? The "third new style" of tags

<% echo "Hello, World!"; %> // And finally, a fourth way that uses ASP-style tags

This in itself opens whole new avenues for abuse for a programmer used to the sharper separation of code and presentation enforced in a more serious language. What’s worse is that the tag rules can be changed on individual systems through the php.ini file. Develop with all style flags enabled. Tell your colleagues that you’re doing it in the interest of maximum compatibility with third-party libraries. For added fun, find (or write your own) library that liberally switches between all five types of tags and make it an indispensable part of your project. Or keep switching coding standards every few weeks until there’s a healthy mix of all types of PHP tags scattered throughout your code. Refuse to replace previously used styles with the current favourite because it’s better to leave well enough alone.

Do not document this anywhere.

This is in the interest of avoiding single-step deployments on a stock (or sane) PHP installation. Force system administrators to find the problem in your code and then comb through the php.ini file for the appropriate settings. Always say that you have security in mind, which is encouraged by having the system administrator read each line of the settings file.

But the ability of the language to intersperse HTML markup even inside if…else or loop blocks evidences the sheer the heinousness that must have enveloped the language designers when they wrote that bit of the specification.

There are so many ways to abuse this “feature”.

A tamer way would be –

<?php if (foo == null): ?>
    <p> Invalid foo</p>
<? elseif (foo == 1): ?>
    <p>Foo is too small.</p>
<? else ?>
    <p>Correct foo entered</p>
<?php endif ?>

A more advanced programmer might use something like this –

<div class="query_output">
        $sql="select * from names";
        if (db_connect()): ?>
        <?php else: ?>
            $res = db_query($sql);
            $names = db_result($res);
            foreach ($names as $names): ?>
                <!--span><?php echo $name ?></span-->
                <li class="name"><? echo $name ?></li>
        <? endforeach; ?>
    <? endif; ?>

By closely coupling the business logic with the presentation layer, your manager will have to assign a qualified programmer to make even innocuous changes to the front-end code rather than assign them to a design trainee. Male lions in the wild mark their territory by pissing on trees. Programmers should mark theirs by pissing all over the front-end markup.

Reinvent the wheel. Poorly

If there’s one thing that PHP is famous for, it’s the rich selection of extremely useful, but badly named functions in its libraries and standard extensions. Make things worse by ignoring the in-built functions entirely and rolling your own instead. Feign ignorance, which is a pretty valid excuse when talking about PHP because it has extensions for everything you might dream about, and some things you might have never even heard of (can you spell Swish-e?).

Write your functions in the most naïve and inefficient manner possible. You get bonus points if it is error prone due to subtle variations in the input.

For example, PHP has an in-built strtotime() function that can convert “about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp”. Ignore it. Take a date/time string and split it into its component values by using hard-coded delimiters. Don’t take regional differences into account. Everybody should just be using ISO 8601 anyways.

Naming is the key

Begin programming before the domain model is fully ready or understood. That way you get to create your own colourful terminology for objects which haven’t been named yet. For example, suppose you’re building a web-based interface for a controller in a bakery. Look up the thesaurus for the term “mould” and use an unrelated synonym such as “die” in place of the mould. Repeated instances of the word “die” will make the maintenance programmer wonder if you wanted to pass a subliminal message on to him through your code.

Take this to the next level by using different naming conventions for the same element. If your database field stores the machine operator’s name in a “username” field, store the value in a variable called “user_machine_op_curr”, “machine_operator_curuser”, “machop_current” and “machine_operator_current_user” in different places where you need the value.

For maximum effect, instead of encapsulating usage of this variable in a single module, apply the RYE principle to litter the code across all the files. Suppose you need a widget to display the active username at the top of the page. Write the query and code to do this on every page with subtle variations in field names and joining random bits of data from unrelated or unneeded tables. The maintenance programmer will have no idea whether the query really needs the other fields, which will dissuade him from refactoring the code into a single module.

Tell everyone who asks that you are caching data for later use in order to improve performance.

Code formatting is hard. Let’s go shopping.

Randomize whitespace rules in your project. Use tabs in some places, spaces in another, or you can even mix and match both on the same line. Aggressively prevent any kind of structure from appearing in the code through indentation. Nested if…else blocks or loops are best for this kind of camouflage. The unwary programmer will not notice a nested loop if it is not indented further than its parent. Compound this complexity with the ability to enter and exit PHP code blocks at random locations within the file.

Repeat Yourself Everywhere (RYE)

Functions and objects are for weenies. Duplicating large chunks of badly formatted code all over the project puts hair on your chest. Even if you are a girl.

This is the ultimate abuse of a maintenance programmer in any language. But by effectively combining the previous principles, PHP gives this technique the potential to become a lifelong nightmare of bugs which are hard to find, fix or test.

Putting on the Pounds

By diligently following all the pointers given above you can be sure to reach file sizes of magnanimous proportions. The ultimate goal is to make a file large enough to timeout the version control server while a network operation is in progress. Make enough of those and the maintenance programmer will be caught between a hard place and a rock. On one hand, there is the fragility of the code which requires frequent commits to keep from making too big a change. On the other there are constant network errors while trying to commit changes to version control.

Database Abuse

PHP’s ultimate utility is its excellent data-processing pedigree. Numerous extensions have been written to enable connecting PHP with different database servers. And the one common thing that all database publishers extol is to consolidate query operations through the use of joins for fewer disk operations and lower network transfer.

Ignore them.

Instead, run multiple queries – one to retrieve the master table and the rest while cycling through the result set to retrieve values from the secondary table, using the current record as the selection criteria. If you have enough values in the master table, this will slow your server down enough to frustrate the end user. Use the techniques mentioned above to obfuscate and entangle your queries with unrelated code to make it resistant to change.

For added joy, create a new connection at random places in your code to the same database server. This will confuse the casual maintenance programmer into thinking that you’re actually retrieving information from two databases, and hence justify you not using a join.


Perform enough of these activities in a single project and you can be assured of months of job security. The best part about working in a language like PHP is that you don’t have to worry about making it not look maintainable. Legions of bad programmers have given the language such a bad rep that people almost expect PHP code to look bad.

Which kind of makes this whole essay moot, though.