Improved Application Performance with .NET 7

Speed has been a big selling point for .NET 7. Stephen Toub has written an extremely lengthy and detailed article back in August 2022 about all the performance improvements that went into it. And it’s ridiculously easy to take advantage of the speed boost in your own applications. In most cases, it only requires recompiling your project to target the new runtime. Developers who don’t make the switch are leaving a lot of performance gains on the table. I took some effort to measure the speed improvements by running some benchmarks on my own projects.

Shades is a .NET port of the Python module of the same name, for creating generative art. The module was originally authored by Ben Rutter. The library operates by decomposing any drawing operation, no matter how complex, into a series of single-pixel modifications, executed one at a time, across the entire bitmap. To draw a line, the library first calculates every pixel that makes the line, then iterates through that list to compute its colour value, and making a discrete set pixel call for it. Drawing primitive shapes using solid colours is delegated to the much faster SkiaSharp library. But all the more advanced effects which have no equivalent operation in SkiaSharp have to be done with custom routines.

So of course it is slow. And anything that makes it go faster is a welcome improvement.

For this exercise, I chose the PixelsInsideEdge method, which operates on the coordinates that make up the outer edge of a shape, and identifies the pixels that fall within that boundary. It uses a simplified implementation of a ray-casting algorithm to determine whether a point is within the shape boundary or falls outside of it.

public ICollection<SKPoint> PixelsInsideEdge(ICollection<SKPoint> edgePixels)
    /// Contains a list of distinct values along the X axis, extracted from edgePixels.
    /// Each unique value along the X axis corresponds to a list of unique values along
    /// the Y axis that intersect with the X coordinate.
    var xs = new SortedDictionary<int, SortedSet<int>>();
    int minX = int.MaxValue, minY = int.MaxValue, maxX = int.MinValue, maxY = int.MinValue;
    foreach (var e in edgePixels)
        var ex = Convert.ToInt32(e.X);
        var ey = Convert.ToInt32(e.Y);
        maxX = Math.Max(maxX, ex);
        minX = Math.Min(minX, ex);
        maxY = Math.Max(maxY, ey);
        minY = Math.Min(minY, ey);

        if (xs.TryGetValue(ex, out var points))
            xs[ex] = new SortedSet<int>() { ey };

    /// Contains a list of points that make up the inside of the shape formed by the
    /// bounds of edgePixels.
    var innerPixels = new List<SKPoint>();
    for (var x = minX; x <= maxX; x++)
        var ys = xs[x];

        /// Find the lowest values along the Y axis, i.e. values
        /// that make up the lower edge of the shape.
        var temp = new SortedSet<int>();
        foreach (var y in ys)
            if (!ys.TryGetValue(y - 1, out var _))

        var rayCount = 0;
        for (var y = temp.Min; y <= temp.Max; y++)
            if (temp.TryGetValue(y, out var _))

            if (rayCount % 2 == 1)
                innerPixels.Add(new SKPoint(x, y));


    return innerPixels;

It was executed on a circular shape having a radius of 2048 pixels. This method identified 12869 points enclosed within its boundary. The location of the shape on the canvas had no effect. Negative coordinates were also calculated and stored in the result. The benchmark only ran the geometric computations. It did not perform any modifications on the image itself.

public ICollection<SKPoint> PixelsInsideEdgeCollection(SKPoint[] Edges) => shade.PixelsInsideEdge(Edges);

public static IEnumerable<SKPoint[]> LargeDataSource()
    var shade = new BlockShade(SKColor.Empty);

    yield return shade.GetCircleEdge(new SKPoint(0, 0), 2048.0f).ToArray();

The results of this benchmark are shown below.

dotnet run -c Release --filter PixelsInsideEdgeCollection --runtimes \
net5.0 net6.0 net7.0

// * Summary *

BenchmarkDotNet=v0.13.4, OS=Windows 11 (10.0.22621.1105)
AMD Ryzen 5 5600H with Radeon Graphics, 1 CPU, 12 logical and 6 physical cores
.NET SDK=7.0.102
[Host] : .NET 5.0.17 (5.0.1722.21314), X64 RyuJIT AVX2
Job-SOHORL : .NET 5.0.17 (5.0.1722.21314), X64 RyuJIT AVX2
Job-PPCKCW : .NET 6.0.13 (6.0.1322.58009), X64 RyuJIT AVX2
Job-EBVIPG : .NET 7.0.2 (, X64 RyuJIT AVX2

|           Method |  Runtime |          Edges |     Mean | Ratio |
|----------------- |--------- |--------------- |---------:|------:|
| PixelsInsideEdge | .NET 5.0 | SKPoint[12869] | 217.7 ms |  1.00 |
| PixelsInsideEdge | .NET 6.0 | SKPoint[12869] | 213.2 ms |  0.98 |
| PixelsInsideEdge | .NET 7.0 | SKPoint[12869] | 161.9 ms |  0.75 |

But what does this mean for the performance of the application as a whole? To test this, I ran Doom Fire, which replicates the effect from the title screen of the classic video game. I generated a 5 second animated sequence of images in sizes of 128 × 128, 256 × 128, 512 × 128 and 1024 × 128 pixels.

These three videos show the output of the effect at 128 × 128 pixels (top left), 256 × 128 pixels (top centre), and 512 × 128 pixels (above).

The height of the image was restricted to minimise the amount of empty pixels being pushed during the test. Time elapsed was measured with an instance of System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch. Each test was first run 5 times to warm up the JIT and allow the progressive compiler to thoroughly kick in and optimise the code. The results of these warm-up tests were discarded. Then 3 further iterations were run, and the fastest result was considered for comparison.

|  Runtime |           Size |    Time |
|--------- |---------------:|--------:|
| .NET 5.0 |   128 x 128 px | 13.59 s |
| .NET 5.0 |   256 x 128 px | 13.74 s |
| .NET 5.0 |   512 x 128 px | 25.67 s |
| .NET 5.0 |  1024 x 128 px | 49.17 s |
|  Runtime |           Size |    Time |
|--------- |---------------:|--------:|
| .NET 7.0 |   128 x 128 px | 13.35 s |
| .NET 7.0 |   256 x 128 px | 13.52 s |
| .NET 7.0 |   512 x 128 px | 23.23 s |
| .NET 7.0 |  1024 x 128 px | 44.53 s |

This wasn’t quite as stark an improvement as a standalone microbenchmark. A single method being executed in quick succession has vastly different performance characteristics from a complete application. This benchmark also saved the frame to disk, which adds an I/O penalty. As expected, smaller data sets showed minimal variation. The numbers started diverging as the magnitude of data increased.


Based on the standard benchmarks, .NET 5 and 6 show similar performance. With .NET 5 now out of support, and .NET 7 being earmarked as a short-term support release, developers are likely to upgrade to .NET 6 instead of .NET 7. And .NET 6 has an additional 6 months of support over .NET 7. There are many customers who would accept the tradeoff of slower runtime execution for longer official support. If your application is performance sensitive, it’s a no-brainer that you must move to .NET 7. But even otherwise, if you can risk the shorter support cycle (and .NET 8 will certainly be released by then), it may be a worthwhile investment to consider targeting your application for .NET 7 instead.

Keeping Things Fast for Large n

Some years ago, we had customers reporting poor network response time when fetching content from the server. Our product was not anywhere near being wildly popular, and the number of records in the database were still counted in tens of thousands. Even our puny instance was able to cache the entire database into memory. Not just a single table or the results of a few queries. The entire database could be cached in RAM. So the slowdown probably wasn’t caused by something in the database. All customers reported more or less similar latency, irrespective of their geographical locations or internet service providers or time of the day. That also ruled out network problems.

So I rolled up my sleeves and began investigating.

One of the features of this product was that while it used sequential 128-bit integers for the primary key columns, the data retrieval was done with a shorter 5 character identifier, called a short-code. The short-code was also unique, but made up of fewer characters for legibility when users passed links around. The short-code wasn’t appropriate for a primary key column though, as its randomness would cause too much index fragmentation.

The short-code was generated by hashing the primary key value using the MD5 algorithm, and truncating it to the first 5 characters of the result. If there was a collision…well nobody had thought about that back then. It was one of the subtle bugs that would come back to trouble us years later. But that’s another story.

Someone had decided to implement this feature in the application code. When a content link was required, it was computed using .NET cryptography libraries and the result embedded into a URL string template for the user to share. The hashed value was not stored in the database, even though it was going to remain the same every time. And we would be paying heavily later for this oversight.

Now since the application had no way to identify the record directly by its short-code, the developers had to come up with a Rube Goldberg-esque contraption to retrieve it again. For this, they fetched the ID column for all the content records, ran the MD5 function on each row, truncated the result and compared it to the value given in the incoming request, until a match was found. The CS101 guys already know where we are getting at with this approach. Since everything is fast for small n, this technique worked flawlessly on the developers’ own computers. It was only when the application was deployed to production, and stayed there for a few months, that the performance bottlenecks began to show up.

Locating the bug itself was easy. I set up a network trace using WireShark, inspecting the queries between the application and the database server, and promptly proceeded to fall of the chair in disbelief.

After excluding essential communications such as handshakes and authorisation, the application was still receiving almost half a megabyte of data, split into 400 packets, for a table containing only 31,000 rows. All this activity before it could even begin looking for a match.

This was going to require some re-engineering to fix.

Due to unrelated reasons, our goal was only to reduce the amount of data being received from the database server with zero changes in the public API or modifications to the database tables. We could only change the application code and deploy a new build. This code was written to use ADO.NET and inline queries to perform data operations. So changing its behaviour was going to be relatively easy.

The first thing was to assemble a query that could generate the MD5 of an integer.

SELECT HASHBYTES('MD5', CAST([Article].[Id] AS CHAR(36))) AS [Hash]
FROM [Article]
WHERE [Article].[Id] = '6BA1CE84-FDB1-EA11-8269-C038960D1C7A';

Since the HASHBYTES function in T-SQL works only with char, nchar or binary data, the uniqueidentifier had to be cast into a fixed-width char. The output of this function was like so.

-- 0x704E87BA59EB6F930C020E5D6DA6B444

This hash was converted into a string by using the CONVERT function, and finally truncated to the first 5 characters, resulting in the output shown below.

                    CAST([Article].[Id] AS CHAR(36))
                ), 2), 5) AS [Hash]
FROM [Article]
WHERE [Article].[Id] = '6BA1CE84-FDB1-EA11-8269-C038960D1C7A';
-- 704E8


Now came the retrieval by the short-code. The hash-computation query was nested inside another simple select query.

    SELECT [Article].[Id],
           [Article].[Name] AS [ArticleName],
           LEFT(CONVERT(CHAR(32), HASHBYTES('MD5', CAST([Article].[Id] AS CHAR(36))), 2), 5) AS [Hash]
    FROM [Article]
) [Article_]
WHERE [Article_].[Hash] = '704E8';

This was executed against the database and measured again using WireShark.

The results were remarkably different, but not at all unexpected. Only 882 bytes of data were transferred between the database and the application, and of that, 630 bytes were the query string going into the database server. The only record the server now returned was 252 bytes long, and required no further processing in the application.

There was still had a lot of processing going on in the database itself, which was still ripe for optimisation. Storing the short-code in the table permanently and indexing the column would improve the product’s performance even further.

But for that moment, I was king of the world.

This story has been altered slightly to protect the guilty and gloss over irrelevant details. The performance bottleneck was made much worse by nested loops (yay, quadratic growth!) and suboptimal data types.